We serve a great God indeed! As we look back on this past year it sure seems like it has been the craziest yet! However in the midst of this worldwide chaos God has made it clear that He is the Lord and He remains in charge. Throughout our country and throughout this world we have seen God perform miracles, protect, heal, provide and open doors all thought were closed. And that is exactly what He did for us! When we started deputation this january, we were aiming for a 2 year deputation period making this december our halfway mark, with 50% as the target. Needless to say, Covid put quite a damper on those hopes! But God! Our God is great indeed! We have reached the 60% mark and we are going to exceed that by the end of this month. This has been a great reminder for us and a very encouraging time for us as we saw God move to not only meet but exceed our goals in a most uncertain time. I trust this will be an encouragement for you as you read this, to see that our God is great indeed!
THE GOSPEL ONLINE Through this Covid time everyone has learned to reach and communicate with the internet, and so have we. As you may remember, I have been working online for more than a year with Jean. Just over a month ago Jean initiated a discussion on God, which lead to his request for a Bible of his own. This has been a great encouragement for us to see him read the Bible on his own. We are praying that through his reading Jean will yield to the power of the Word. Please pray with us! Jean is most assuredly interested, but he is resisting. Pray that God's word will pierce through his hardened heart. As we prepare to celebrate Christmas, we as a couple want to send you our Christmas greetings! We pray that God will bring peace to your hearts and that Christ would be glorified in this special season. Thank you for your support! God Bless you! Jonathan and Priscilla Laase To visit our website or email us click on the link below.
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