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  • Jonathan Laase

A Strong Start

Dear friends and supporters!

This past month of January has been an exciting month, we are off to a strong start to the year!

God blessed us with the stay of a young lady from the US who is considering missions. She was a great help and we are praying that God will guide her in His plan (hopefully to France). We will be hosting another young man who is considering missions in France this march. We are praying that God will use these times to raise more and more missionaries for France. 

This month was also the first time we had a youth event in our church since our arrival. This was a success, as we have been seeing more and more young people be open to the gospel, this was an opportunity for us to gather our youth and invite some of their friends. We had two unsaved visitors and it was a great time for the youth to learn from God's Word and have fun together.

This month was also the first time Priscilla did a Bible study. A couple of months, Priscilla and a lady in our church connected with a young lady on our Wednesday afternoon outreach

 She was open and has been coming regularly to our Bible studies and church services. She recently accepted Christ and we are excited about what God will do in her life. She is, unfortunately, moving this week, pray for her continued growth. This is exciting for us, seeing souls saved is why we do what we do! But this is also exciting because it shows how far Priscilla has come in her French!

Paris Olympics 2024

As you already know from our previous letters, we are planning on doing an outreach campaign for the Olympics. I was in Paris this past week to work out some logistical questions. Pray for this program, as it is an incredible opportunity for us to spread the gospel across the world (literally). Of course, there are many questions that still need answering and much work to do, please pray for this, but more importantly, pray for the people that we will encounter in a year and a half, it is never too early to pray for God to be glorified and for Christ to be accepted during these games!

Thank you for your prayers and support!

Jonathan and Priscilla Laase

Your voices to the French.

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