In the last two months, we have pursued our evangelism efforts; please continue to pray for fruit. At the beginning of May, during an evangelism outing, I was sharing the Gospel with people in the park. I met three boys, brothers that were going home. I tried to engage with them and share the Gospel. They listened and interacted with me, but one of them, an 8 year old boy seemed really engaged and concerned about what I was saying. He was understanding and answering with intent. They were from a Catholic background so the boys had some idea of God's existence but not much more than that. At the end of this discussion, all three prayed with me for salvation in Christ. Unfortunately, being minors we could not ask for contact information. I haven't seen any of them since. Pray for these boys, pray for the door to be opened.
We have engaged with many more of course, pray for us and the people in our church that are involved that we would persevere despite not seeing much fruit.
We are reminded of what Jesus said in John 15:18:
"If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you."
One encouraging fact has been the openness that we have seen in the younger generation. This came as a surprise for me, but it is striking to see how many young people want to hear and discuss about the Gospel. We find that almost always they learn what the Gospel is. We engage in significant discussions with 5 to 12 individuals each outing, these are people that have now heard the good news.
"How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?"
Romans 10:14
This is moving to us, we know that people who had not heard the Gospel in their life, have now heard it. We thank you for allowing us through your support to provided this precious truth to many lost souls.
Building project. Our church has been hoping to move to a better building location with more space, this project has been in the "pipes" so to say for a couple years, however with COVID everything was halted. Recently the church received a very generous gift which will significantly help in this project. We ask that you pray for the church as we seek a new place to either build or buy a building. Once again, we cannot thank you enough for your prayers and support. We are honored to be your voices to the French. Jonathan and Priscilla Laase