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The Gospel is News in France

Jonathan Laase

Witnessing to all

Having therefore obtained help of God, I continue unto this day, witnessing both to small and great, saying none other things than those which the prophets and Moses did say should come: That Christ should suffer, and that he should be the first that should rise from the dead, and should shew light unto the people, and to the Gentiles. Acts 26:22-23

As we all know, COVID has been an obstacle to ministry in many ways. In the last two months, with the government restrictions being lifted, we decided to start back up the in person evangelism. With Covid in person evangelism such as door-to-door knocking and street evangelism was made impossible. However, the church persisted in tract distribution and Mid March, with the restrictions being lightened, we decided to adapt and do some street evangelism in the parks in town. This has proven to be a fantastic ministry! We have seen many people hear the gospel for the very first time. In fact, in all the discussions we've had so far, all the unsaved people we met in the park were unfamiliar with the gospel. Unfortunately, we haven't had the joy of leading anyone to Christ yet. However, we have made contacts with people that are willing to learn more. Pray for Napoli and his wife Claude, they are an elderly couple that we met in the park. Napoli seemed to have made a a decision that day, but upon a follow-up visit this past Friday, we found that he still needs Christ as his savior. Pray that he and his wife would come to Christ. Pray for Bruno, he is another man that we met in the streets sharing the gospel, he seemed very open and promised he come to a service. Pray that he will come to Christ. There are so many people that we could ask you to pray for, we have afghans fleeing war, homeless men, Muslim men and teens that come to the parc right next to the high school, atheists and Catholics, all stripes of life that need a redeemer. These outreach outings have been thrilling and exciting for us, it has been a great blessing to see Franck in our church grow through this, he is a fervent believer and has been growing in his boldness and compassion in the evangelistic work. Lise, a young lady in our church is also very involved in these evangelistic efforts as well and is also growing greatly! On another note, the Lord has blessed Priscilla with her first piano students. These are in-church kids that are learning how to play piano for free. This is useful training as we hope that she could start doing this with unbelievers one day. Her French is improving every day! We cannot thank you enough for your support and prayers, we are so blessed and privileged to be able to share the gospel on your behalf. Our joy is to serve as your voice in France for the gospel! As well as your hands in the edification of the local church in Draguignan. Thank you and God bless you! Jonathan and Priscilla Laase Your voices to the French.

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